Facebook page - done.

mercoledì, maggio 15, 2013
Hey guys:) first of all, thank you... I know about the little flags on the right column that should translate the entire posts and I noticed that sometimes it doesn't do it properly, I'm sorry about this.

In second place, someone of you asked me if I will translate also the drawings and... the answer is: of course I will do it, I've decided to post all the images in English at the end of every two weeks, I'll do my best :)

Meanwhile I've finished the drawings for the facebook page so that I could published it yesterday, so become a fan now ;D
hope you'll enjoy: )

P.s. Sorry about my English.

Come da titolo o per chi avesse già letto sopra in inglese, ho finito di disegnare le illustrazioni per la pagina facebook, che ho pubblicato proprio ieri... ora non resta che diventare fan :)

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